Bikini atoll nuclear test
Bikini atoll nuclear test

bikini atoll nuclear test

It rests on either side of the windpipe and is attached below the larynx by a thin tissue. The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland, slightly less than an inch in adults and smaller by half in children. Conard’s restudy put the radiation dose to a child’s thyroid gland at 1,050 rads, a level high enough to cause eventual trouble. That first study, nine years earlier, had detected low levels of radioactive iodine, but missed some shorter-lived iodine isotopes. He also had called for an AEC restudy of the initial estimate of radiation dosage absorbed by children-an estimate that had been made from radiochemical analysis of a collective urine sample taken on Kwajalein in 1954, 15 days after the fallout began. Also of particular interest was the development of a palpable nodule in the thyroid gland of 13-year-old Disi Tima, a fisherman’s daughter, who had been exposed to the Bravo fallout when she was four years old.Ĭonard believed the findings about the three children possibly represented the first signs of long-term radiation effects, and he sent the thyroid nodule for laboratory examination.

Bikini atoll nuclear test